Future Events
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7:30 pm
Meeting & Program on Baseball Hall-Of-Famers
The Brick Township Historical Society will hold a meeting at the Herbertsville Firehouse, 601 Herbertsville Rd., Brick.
T.J. Fallon, the founder and creator of “Dead History,” will present a power point program called “Gravesites of Baseball Hall-of-Famers.” He has visited the burial place of each of these players, and also, many of the sites of their homes. Fallon has a You Tube Channel which he updates frequently about gravesites of famous people, such as the presidents and the signers of the Declaration of Independence.
Admission is free, and the public is welcome. Please park in the rear of the firehouse and enter by the door on the right on ground level.
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8:00 am to 2:00 pm
Giant Annual Yard Sale
The Brick Township Historical Society will hold its 25th Annual Giant Yard Sale on its Havens Homestead Museum property, 521 Herbertsville Rd., Brick. There will be a great variety of reasonably priced merchandise, including tools and toys, plus a vast display of costume jewelry, fancy belts, purses and other accessories. A NJ licensed gold/silver dealer will be available to buy your unwanted gold and silver. The Society will have a large homemade bake sale, and the Lizzie Herbert Gift Shop has new merchandise and specials. Parking is in a lot 150 ft. east of the museum, and there is another lot behind that one.
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June 10, 2025
7:30 pm
The Brick Township Historical Society will hold a meeting at the Herbertsville Firehouse, 601 Herbertsville Rd., Brick. The Township of Brick was founded February 15, 1850 and named after Joseph W. Brick, the owner of Bergen Iron Works. In keeping with the celebration of the 175th Anniversary of the founding, the Society invites the public to share their memories. People are welcome to speak about growing up, spending summer vacations, going to school, working or living in Brick Township.
Admission is free. Please park behind the firehouse and enter by the door on the right on ground level.